
"Adversity has made me stronger in my business and personal life. I don't doubt what we are trying to do."

(Edward S. Lampert, Chairman of Sears Holdings Corp., in “Business: The testing of long-term Eddie; Face value.” The Economist: February 2, 2008. Vol. 386, Iss. 8565; pg. 74)

Centered and Grounded Without Self

“You've got to understand that you achieve more by having confidence and shedding the ego than vice-versa."

(Angad Paul, CEO of Caparo Group, in “Angad Paul.” by Richard Cree. Director: January 2008. Vol. 61, Iss. 6; pg. 40)


"You can organise all the away-days and training sessions you want. But at the end of the day, people will only work together on the basis of mutual respect."

(Peter Scott, CEO of Engine Group, in “The Engine Driver.” by John Tylee. Campaign: January 19, 2007. pg. 22)

A Happy And Creative Spirit

“Humor is closely related to the creativity and invention that we're born with. It's that spirit of thinking out something a little bit different; making up your own jokes…

"Allowing some level of mild pranks -- with a rule that it's not going to harm anyone -- would be a good policy.”

(Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple, in “Steve Wozniak on Apple, Steve Jobs and the Value of a Good Prank.” Knowledge@Wharton. February 20, 2008)

Breakthrough Breakdowns

"We talk about breakthroughs, we want to do things better, but we need to talk about how to deal with breakdowns, which are inevitable and occur daily. In order to get to breakthroughs, you have to learn to deal with breakdowns. In a constructive fashion, it's worked very well in our organization and previous companies that I've worked with... solving problems, resolving issues, and exploiting opportunities rather than getting caught up in [the] mischief of pointing fingers.”

(Tom Stephens, CEO of Boise Cascade, in “Pride in Profit.” by Candi S Cross. Industrial Engineer: February 2008. Vol. 40, Iss. 2; pg. 39)

Learning DNA

"I actually don't think keeping the culture is a goal. I think improving the culture is. We shouldn't be, like, looking back to our golden years and saying, 'Oh, I wish it was the same'."

(Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google, in “Back2Back Champs.” Adam Lashinsky. Fortune: February 4, 2008. Vol. 157, Iss. 2; pg. 70)

Risky, Costly, Threatening... and Vital

"Change is inevitable. Those who adapt to change will survive. Those who anticipate and embrace change will be the leaders and winners."

(“CFA President Ted Kompa: A Classic Success Story.” by Sidney Rutberg. The Secured Lender: January/February 2007. Vol. 63, Iss. 1; pg. 48)

A Vital Resource

“One's ability to be a leader is directly related to the trust that people have in that individual. If you lose that trust, your ability to be an effective leader is fatally compromised.”

(Thomas Priselac, President and CEO of Cedars-Sinai Health System, in “Honesty in Leadership.” by Thomas Priselac, Mary Grayson. Hospitals & Health Networks: October 2007. Vol. 81, Iss. 10; pg. 30)

Versus A Modicum of Supposed Security?

“Be brave when others are fearful, and fearful when others are brave.”

(Warren Buffett, Chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, in “The Other $1 Trillion.” Wall Street Journal: February 13, 2008. pg. A.26)

Lifelong Learning

"Even when I achieve a goal, I know it's time to set my sights on something else. I don't ever feel that I've arrived. I'm always evolving."

(Kimberley Withers, President and CEO of Meridian Trust Federal Credit Union, in “Eyes On The Prize.” by Diane Franklin. Credit Union Management: December 2007. Vol. 30, Iss. 12; pg. 14)

So very basic, but...

“Our first responsibility is to our employees. If we do right by our employees, they'll help us do right by customers. If we do right by the customers, then we'll do right by the shareholders. It's got to be in that order: You can't flip it. If you optimize for shareholders then you end up screwing the other two.”

(Scott Cook, founder and Chairman of Intuit, in “Cook's Recipe.” by David Lidsky, David Whitford. FSB : Fortune Small Business: February 2004. Vol. 14, Iss. 1; pg. 76)

The Big Picture

“Remind yourself that no matter how bad your day was, it's worth every minute of it to be part of the great work we do.”

(Dick Davidson, President of the American Hospital Association, in ” A Lifetime's Work.” by Dick Davidson. Hospitals & Health Networks: December 2006. Vol. 80, Iss. 12; pg. 32)

Understanding Leaders

"If I come into a meeting room unannounced and someone is doing an impersonation of me and they're saying, 'Oh, he's going to do this, he's going to say this,' that's a positive thing. It says they understand my values. They know what I like and what I don't like. It means I don't have to be there everyday. I've exported my value set."

(Donald Guloien, CEO of MFC Global Investment Management, in “Money Man.” by Jeff Sanford. Canadian Business: January 15, 2007. Vol. 80, Iss. 2; pg. 67)

We Reap As We Sow

“If I lose sight of the fact that I am dealing with other people, if I turn them into objects that I service, who service me, or who I compete against, then I am dehumanizing myself in the process.”

(Richard Lancaster, President of Printing Control Graphics, in “From Dot Bomb Implosion to the Printing Industry: My Personal and Professional Journey.” by Diane L Lockwood, Colette A Frayne, Robert E Callahan. Journal of Managerial Issues: Winter 2007. Vol. 19, Iss. 4; pg. 576)