Keep it Simple
“I normally try to find three or four strategic concepts that sum up the direction in which the company should be moving, build up an organization that believes in these concepts, and then repeat, repeat, and repeat them throughout the organization. I am convinced that communication is a very powerful tool for running large organizations such as this one. It works fine if people know exactly where they are going, but in order to know this they need to be able to grasp some easy concepts. If it takes more than one minute to explain a strategy, something is wrong. In my view, it has to be that simple. Successful things are simple; I have never seen successful things that are very complicated. You provide simple guidelines and repeat them throughout the organization.”
(Paolo Scaroni, CEO of Eni, SpA, in “Leading Change: An Interview With The CEO Of Eni,” by Giancarlo Ghislanzoni. The McKinsey Quarterly. New York: 2006., Iss. 3; pg. 54)